Wednesday, February 2, 2011

About Us!

"Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now!"

My name is Maria.  I am a senior studying elementary education and English at Salem State University.  For social studies block, my group and I are going to explore the issue of bullying in schools. The issue of bullying is becoming more dominant as technology increases.  Consistent with the rise of bullying is the rise of teen suicide.  As someone who is aspiring to become an elementary school teacher, I believe bullying is an important issue that needs a solution.  In order to find a solution to bullying, research must be conducted to find what triggers people bully their peers, and what steps can be done in order to stop this trigger.  With the help of my group, I hope to get more insight into bullying and deliver this insight to students, teachers, and parents to stop bullying!

My name is Kerrie and I am also a senior at Salem State University studying elementary education and psychology. I chose the issue of bullying to focus on because I believe that this is an issue that needs to be solved from the beginning. Teaching students who are young about bullying could stop the tragedy and the incidences that unfortunately, happens at all ages. These days with cyber bullying being possible, the issue has become even more serious, and with the tragic suicides that have been happening, something must be done. I personally want to help to stop this epidemic and help students learn why it is wrong, and to try and make a difference.

My name is MaryEllen. I am a junior at Salem State University studying elementary education and English. I think bullying is a matter in the schools that is overlooked at times. Those oversights result in children being harassed everyday in school and via the internet. And some children that have not received help tragically end their lives because of the harassment they receive from their peers. Needless to say, bullying needs to come to an immediate end! I believe there is an answer to ending bullying in every form. Furthermore, I believe it is the responsibility of the teachers and parents to stop bullying for good. As a future educator, with learning the skills to teach my future leaders of America I, also, need to learn the skills to prevent bullying in my classroom. With that said, through my research with my group members, I hope to discover methods and strategies to end bullying to exemplify for other teachers and parents.

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